Itamar Shafir

Itamar Shafir, the dynamic CEO of Umbrella Micro Enterprises Inc., has revolutionized the world of small marketing agencies. Before this, he pioneered Appforma, an innovative marketing platform for small businesses, which not only clinched the 1st Facebook Innovation Competition Award but also garnered attention leading to its acquisition by Algomizer (ALGO).

Beyond these corporate milestones, Itamar's influence extends to the entrepreneurial realm. He's been the guiding light for countless budding marketers, offering mentorship and insights. His investment acumen shines through his involvement with promising tech startups like and MeshEconomy.

Balancing life as a dedicated family man and a business trailblazer, Itamar is a wellspring of knowledge. Whether it's Marketing, Tech, B2B SaaS, or the Gig-Economy landscape, his perspectives are both enlightening and invaluable.